Case Studies

Resurfacing Works & Demolition at Shoreham Port

LOCATION Shoreham Port’s Inner Lay-by Terminal, Basin Road South, Portslade
CONTRACT START DATE 1st November 2021

Resurfacing Works and Demolition of Transit Shed 8 and Electrician’s Office at Shoreham Port’s Inner Lay-by Terminal, Basin Road South, Portslade on behalf of Shoreham Port Authority

Dorton Demolition & Excavation Limited (Dde) returned to site in November 2021 to continue with Shoreham Port Authorities’ port terminal expansion and regeneration programme. The programme involves the reconfiguration of the inner lay-by terminal to improve the cargo storage capability and maximise the space available. The port is restricted in land area and while in the past consideration had been given to major land reclamation out at sea, the cost is high and it has not been considered an option within the timeframe of their masterplan. The current emphasis is very much on maximising the use of current port land.

Shed 8, which previously stored timber, was positioned very close to the quayside to accommodate the older methods of unloading cargo. Nowadays, however, the Port’s Operations team use forklifts to move cargo across the quay more effectively. A variety of different types of timber are imported through the Port, mainly used for the construction industry in the key hinterlands of London and the South East. The shed, which had narrow door openings, columns within the floor space and a low roof, constrained the movement of cargo and storage maximisation. The redevelopment of the new site to create an open space will look fantastic and make better use of the land available, while improving health and safety on the Port.

Demolition Shoreham Port


Dde previously demolished Transit Shed 1 in April 2020. The shed was located on the south side of the Port’s canal, opposite Hove Enterprise Centre and Ferry Wharf. Port engineers celebrated the site improvements on completion. Brian Rousell, Director of Engineering & IT commented:

“I am pleased to say we have successfully completed the demolition of Shed 1, with our skilled Engineering team doing an excellent job. We look forward to continuing to work with demolition and deconstruction engineers from Dorton in the future to safely and efficiently reconfigure the site, and continue to develop the Port estate, in line with our Masterplan vision.” (Source )

Demolition of Transit Shed 1 – Completed by Dde in April 2020

Demolition Shoreham Port


Resurfacing Works and Demolition of Transit Shed 8 and Electrician’s Office

Brief scope of works:

  1. Undertake a schedule of conditions.
  2. Undertake sub-surface survey to determine location of services.
  3. Maintain thoroughfares for users of heavy-duty vehicles for the Port Authority and emergency services.
  4. Protect the general public and neighbouring business units.
  5. Removal of all asbestos contaminated materials.
    Demolition Shoreham Port
  6. Soft strip and demolition of the shed and electrician’s office. The client wanted the shed’s ground bearing concrete slab to be retained. The ground floor slab and foundations in their entirety to the electrician’s office were broken out and arisings removed from site.

    Demolition Shoreham Port
    Demolition Shoreham Port
  7. Breakout all hardstanding including subbases within site boundaries external to Shed 8 footprint. Existing hardstanding was in disrepair and unusable with a mix-match of tarmac and concrete surfaces, unsightly holes, soft spots, kerbs, and sunken and damaged manhole covers, and generally unsuitable for use by forklifts. Waste arisings were removed from site.
    Demolition Shoreham Port
  8. The entire site area was set out to create a level surface with falls, crossfalls or slopes to not exceed 15 degrees from horizontal and for surface water to drain naturally and correctly into surface drains.
    Demolition Shoreham Port
  9. A solid sub-base was formed with imported hardcore, kerbs installed to the site boundary with Gate 9 access road, manholes were raised and damaged covers replaced, perimeter edges of the retained concrete slab were planed in preparation for the new tarmac surfacing.
    Demolition Shoreham Port


  10. Supply, lay and roll asphaltic concrete materials to prepared surface consisting of asphaltic concrete base, binder and asphaltic concrete surface course.
    Demolition Shoreham Port

The busy harbour location meant that Dorton had to employ very strict measures in reducing and suppressing noise, dust and vibration.

Demolition Shoreham Port

Site works were completed without accident or incident and the site handed over to the client a week early.  Wheel washing and road sweeping facilities were provided and managed on a daily basis. A water dampening system provided regular dampening down for dust control.

Demolition Shoreham Port

Dde held regular daily safety briefings and toolbox talks. There were weekly, sometimes more frequent, on-site meetings with the project team from Shoreham Port Authority. Neighbouring businesses were informed of all decisions that could potentially affect their day-to-day operating activities on a regular basis. This proactive regime ensured that health and safety was at the forefront of everyone’s mind and issues immediately identified, managed and eliminated. Dde were again perfectly poised to provide another excellent service for their client.

A close-out meeting was arranged with the client and feedback collected.

Feedback from the client:

“It’s been a pleasure working with you all, an extremely professional outfit. Thank Chris Morgan (Site Manager) and team for all their hard work on site and hope you all have a great Christmas”.

Gary O’Neill
Senior Engineering Manager
Shoreham Port

The total tonnage of demolition waste was:

  1. Hardcore recycled: 5 tonnes.
  2. Concrete recycled: 91 tonnes.
  3. MOT Type 1 hardcore imported to site: 675 tonnes.
  4. Asbestos cement sent to licensed asbestos disposal site: 23 tonnes.
  5. Rubbish sent to licensed waste transfer station: 13.42 tonnes.
  6. Metal scrap recycled: 69 tonnes.

Contract Possession date: 1st November 2021
Contract Completion date: 10th December 2021
Contract Value: £316,000.00