Case Studies

Demolition of the Old Kitchen Dining Room

LOCATION Former King Offa High School Site,
Down Road,
TN39 4HS
CONTRACT START DATE 22nd August 2023

Demolition of the Old Kitchen Dining Room, Former King Offa High School Site, Down Road, Bexhill-on-Sea TN39 4HS

In 2010 Bexhill High School moved to new premises in Gunters Lane and the old school buildings, started in the 1940s, were demolished retaining a detached dining hall block which had shared use with King Offa Primary Academy. The academy made alternative arrangements for lunches which are now served in a new purpose-built kitchen. The dining hall block, unused for a number of years and in a state of major disrepair, was scheduled to be demolished. Rother District Council proposed a new residential development which would comprise a mixed used development of a leisure centre, car parking, and up to 52 dwellings.

Dorton Demolition & Excavation Limited (Dde) was awarded the demolition contract through competitive public procurement.

Specified Works:

The scope of works comprised of carrying out an asbestos demolition survey, subsequent removal of asbestos contaminated materials identified in the survey, tree protection, the complete demolition of the dining hall block including substructures, retaining walls, hardstanding, and the removal of drains and culverts leading southwards to the old high school site.  Following demolition all voids and disrepairs were to be backfilled with recycled site won hardcore aggregates. The site was to be left smooth and flowing where possible with falls for adequate drainage. All surplus hardcore and rubbish was to be disposed of off-site. The Council was responsible for the disconnection of services to the building.

Demolition site area is demarcated in a red pathway outline on the image below


Careful consideration to members of the public – There is a public right of way through the site shown in dark blue that required keeping clear for the duration of the demolition works. Demolition traffic route is shaded in light blue. Heras fencing with signage segregated the demolition site and a dedicated banksman managed the public right of way and three site access gates (shown as green lines) for all demolition traffic.

Careful consideration to the environment – The landscape that surrounds the Kitchen Dining Room building features several mature trees. Detailed works pre-contract included a crown-lift of the mature trees and removal of branches growing towards the building. Heras fencing with signage was erected to the edges of tree canopies as an exclusion zone for all machinery.

Working around live services – The Council had received minimal information with regards to services as part of the land transfer.

Gas – this was live – a meter kiosk was situated at the boundary from where a gas supply pipe run into an underground chamber with isolating valves and then into the former boiler house.

Electricity – a live supply was located running into the former boiler house. An exclusion zone was formed.

Safe digging practices, in accordance with HSE publication HSG47 “Avoiding Danger from Underground Services” was used to verify and establish the position of the mains, pipework, services, and other apparatus on site. Relevant statutory authorities were engaged for the termination of the live supplies.


Breaking out substructures and regrading site on completion

Demolition was completed ahead of programme and within budget. Regular communication with the Council, neighbouring residents and businesses, and prompt response actions resulted in another successful demolition project.

Date of Possession: 22nd August 2023

Contract Completion Date: 18th September 2023

Practical Completion date: 12th September 2023