Southborough, Tunbridge Wells
Kent TN4 0NP
Demolition and asbestos removal works – Pinewood Court, Pinewood Gardens, Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN4 0NP
The site is located within the urban area of Southborough, just to the north of the main shopping area of Southborough and to the south of the Neighbourhood Centre at Southborough Common. It is located to the east side of London Road (A26) immediately to the north of the junction with Pinewood Gardens. Vehicle access to the site is from Pinewood Gardens. There were 2 No. two storey blocks of 39 flats on the site, linked with a flat roofed single storey entrance area. One block was in an L-shape aligned with the frontage of the site with London Road and Pinewood Gardens. The second block was situated close to the northern and eastern boundaries of the site. The buildings dated from the 1960/1970s and had shallow pitched roofs on the two storey elements.
McCarthy & Stone Retirement Lifestyles Limited proposed to redevelop the existing redundant site and provide a new block of flats which would be three storeys high and have a 34-space car park accessed from Pinewood Gardens, and communal gardens.

Dorton Group secured the contract through competitive tendering.
The scope of works included:
- Provision of a fully intrusive refurbishment and demolition survey and report.
- The safe removal of all identified asbestos materials.
- Removal of all previous tenants’ furniture, fixtures and fittings.
- Soft Strip and Demolition of all buildings, outbuildings and external structures including breaking up all ground bearing floor slabs and foundations.
- Breaking up all hardstanding areas within site boundaries including a car park.
- Clearance of the entire site of external structures (e.g. boundary fences and walls) and vegetation (including trees, hedgerows and the like).
- A watching brief, under the supervision of an appointed Ecologist, to remove by hand roof tiles, hanging tiles and soffits to areas noted for bat emergence.
- A watching brief, under the supervision of an appointed Archaeologist, to carefully excavate trial pits at specified locations.
- Crushing to 6F2 site won concrete arisings on site and re-using to backfill voids, soft spots, and re-level the entire site.
- Removal of all other demolition arisings from site. Salvage and recycling of arisings wherever possible including bricks, roof tiles, timbers, doors and floorboards.
- Leave a relatively level site on completion.
Demolition was carried out in a primarily residential environment. A permanent banksman was employed by Dorton Demolition to provide safe access and egress for site traffic throughout the duration of the project. He was also responsible for assisting pedestrians and especially children to understand the site safety measures and diverted pedestrian routes whenever practically possible. Access to main public footpaths and pavements was maintained at all times.
The project team undertook comprehensive planning, careful risk management and implemented and maintained open communication at all times. The project was delivered safely, with no incidents or injuries recorded, within programme and on budget.
Demolition was carried out in a primarily live residential environment within a live city centre. Dorton’s site team was throughout the project, jointfully implementing procedures to reduce, to an absolute minimum whenever possible, noise, traffic movement, vibration and dust within a live city centre residential environment.
Site traffic routes and times were coordinated with school routes, travel routes and peak travel times of local residents and schools. Timing and sequencing of heavy goods vehicular movements was successfully co-ordinated to avoid peak times for School drop off and pick-ups. Parking of all our vehicles was inside the site confines with no vehicles parked on pavements and adjoining roads. Wheel washing and road sweeping facilities were provided on site and managed on a daily basis. A water spray system provided regular dampening down for dust control.
Redevelopment of the site to provide a new block of flats is now completed. Ground works were completed with no obstructions encountered.
Below is a letter received from a neighbouring resident of Pinewood Gardens:

The total tonnage of demolition waste produced was:
- Concrete removed from site for recycling: 1,974 tonnes
- Tarmac removed from site for recycling: 96 tonnes
- Hardcore crushed on site to 6F2 Recycled Capping: 546 tonnes
- Artex – 26.54 tonnes; AIB 12.26 tonnes – to licensed asbestos disposal site
- Rubbish to licensed waste transfer station: 85.75 tonnes
- Metal scrap to metal recycling yard: 29 tonnes.